Disposing / Treating Waste (Mobile App)

Waste can be disposed/treated via the Dispose function on the Mobile App.

You are required to select the Treatment Zone where the waste is to be disposed/treated.

You can dispose by three methods, Batch, Container or Zone.

By Batch and Zone operate in a similar fashion. You select the desired Batch/Zone and the containers for the selected Batch/Zone are retrieved and displayed on the Containers tab where they are grouped by their Waste Profile. You are required to select which of these containers are to be disposed by tapping on the slider. There is a slider at three different levels. Level 1 =  Select all containers. Level 2 = Select all containers for a Waste Profile. Level 3 = Select specific containers.

By Container requires you to specify the Container ID of each of the containers you want to dispose. Each container specified will be displayed on the Containers tab. Unlike by Batch and by Zone the containers are automatically selected to be disposed.

You click on Done to perform the operation.

Note - There is a streamlined configuration for this function where in order to dispose/treat a container all the user is required to do is specify the Container ID.

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