When a re-usable (Permanent) container is disposed of the empty container that remains is flagged as Not Clean within the system. Depending on your configuration, this can have consequences for subsequent transactions for the container, e.g. the system can be configured to prevent an operator from adding waste to a container that is not clean.

Only empty containers can be flagged as clean.

A container can be flagged a clean from both the Web App & Mobile App.

Cleaning a container from the Web App

Containers can be cleaned via the Work with Waste page on the Web App.

Select the container(s) you wish to Clean and select the Clean option from the More menu on the floating menu.

Cleaning a container from the Mobile App

  1. Container(s) can be cleaned by Batch, by individual Container or by Zone.
  2. Enter the Batch, Container or Zone for which you want to clean.
  3. Summary information of the selected containers will be displayed.

Image Placeholder

Tap on Done to complete operation.